Embracing Biblical Self Love: Experiencing God's Love For you
Updated: Feb 16, 2024
I really struggled with the idea of biblical self love when I was a new believer.
But as I've come to really be seasoned in my faith, I've realized that my struggle to love myself was really a warped view of God's love for me. Because when I understand at a heart level, not just a head level, how deep and how wide and how vast my Father God's love for me was, I couldn't help but embrace a self love as well. True self-love is inseparable from God's love for you. It's about recognizing His deep love and allowing it to define your immeasurable value. It's about shedding the harmful beliefs and behaviors that hold you back and embracing the person God created you to be.

Let's get real today and talk about something so crucial: self-love.
Yep, you heard me right! While I've literally sat in churches and heard it preached that, "self love is the relgion of the godless". I have to laugh at that because it's just not biblically rooted theology. Self-love isn't selfish, and it's definitely not a sin. In fact, it's an attitude of the heart that God wants us to embrace. So, take a moment to ponder this: Do you truly love yourself? I'm talking about the kind of love that stems from understanding your incredible worth in God's eyes.
When we battle deep insecurities, suffer from low self-esteem, or carry self-hatred, it becomes incredibly challenging to fully embrace life, love God, and love others as Scripture urges us to do. Sometimes, self-hate can even lead us to project our shame onto those around us – a sneaky tactic the enemy often uses to keep us from experiencing the happiness and abundance that Christ has in store for us.
But here's the deal, lovely souls: Biblical self-love is not about blindly following your heart, being selfish, or relying on fleeting feelings. It's about anchoring yourself in God's truth and learning to cherish and accept the unique creation that you are – a creation so precious that God willingly laid down His life for you.
Now, let's clear up some misconceptions about self-love:
It's not about accepting your sins; it's about seeking positive change through the freedom found in Christ.
It doesn't elevate you above God or others; it's about loving others as you love yourself.
It doesn't mean overlooking areas where you need growth; instead, it empowers you to seek change from a place of freedom and love.
True self-love is inseparable from God's love for you. It's about recognizing His deep love and allowing it to define your immeasurable value. It's about shedding the harmful beliefs and behaviors that hold you back and embracing the person God created you to be.
Self-love empowers you to embrace your God-given talents, passions, dreams, and desires. It's about co-authoring your dream life with God, relying fully on the One who holds the power to bring it to fruition.
So, remember, darling friends, self-love is a beautiful journey that aligns with God's love for you and the love you have for others. It's a vital step in living the abundant, joyful life that God intended for you.
I hope this message warms your heart today! 💖